Total ETO
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Sales and Order Management Module
Sales & Order Management for Total ETO
Sales and Order Management Module
- Your sales team can track all prospect and customer information, including contacts, leads and opportunities.
- Maximize the re-use of your sales and engineering efforts. Reference prior proposals & project details, profitability, as-built engineering detail, including budgets and accurate actual cost data.
- Large complex projects can be broken down into smaller chunks that are easier to document, estimate and quote.
- Easily create ‘what-if’ proposals with core engineering and well documented design options.
- Spares and Parts Orders can be quoted and fast-tracked through fulfillment without unnecessarily involving engineering. Old jobs and bills of material can be easily searched and spares and other parts can be quickly added and quoted in just a few clicks and nearly no typing.
- Service and warranty jobs can be tied back to original jobs for lifetime cost\revenue analysis.
- Change Orders can be created at the project or job level, and can track changes to costs, quantities or sales prices.
Total ETO Modules