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Total ETO

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Production Management for Total ETO

Production Management Module

  • Integrate your BOMs with industry leading CAD applications, including SolidWorks, Inventor, AutoCAD Electrical, EPLAN, Catia, CREO or Solid Edge. Any CAD application can be used to import BOM data.
  • Minimize the engineering to purchasing bottleneck by releasing your BOM in stages. Long lead but essential parts can be released early in the design process.
  • Engineering teams have full visibility into available inventory, preferred vendors, historical fulfillment, etc.
  • Procurement can quickly make build/buy decisions with real-time access to available inventory. Easily consolidate part requirements based on preferred vendors, purchasing in volume across multiple projects to minimize part costs.
  • Expedite orders to ensure materials arrive on time for the best price.
  • Manage inventory levels easily to ensure part availability and unnecessary purchasing.
  • Track short- and long-term vendor performance. Negotiate preferred vendor status with accurate part volume ordering histories and future volume projections.
  • Easily track change orders and instantly minimize their impact. Alerts allow you to act before changes affect key project deliverable dates.
  • Provide your shop floor with real-time insight into part inventory and delivery dates.
  • Accurate real-time project labor tracking, which can optionally be integrated with time and attendance systems. Track all engineers and shop floor labor costs to specific projects.
  • Track specific project deliverables for accurate warranty and financial WIP reporting.

Total ETO Modules

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