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Inform Software

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Sales & Order Management for Inform Software

Customer Pricing Module

Inform delivers market-specific pricing models that are highly tuned to meet the unique pricing approaches of our selected distributor markets. Our detailed pricing data conversion benefits inform users with an almost immediate return on their technology investment.

  • Margin-of-last-sale automation and sales history management for Paper, Packaging, and Janitorial distributors
  • Price Matrix using list, discount, markup and multipliers for Electrical, Plumbing, and Industrial distributors
  • LPA and rebated cost contract
  • Lot pricing, project and room bundles for quoting, purchasing, and shipping groups of product.
  • Quotation-based pricing and quote management

Margin-Manager” Sales-History Based Pricing

Sales History based pricing automatically maintains sell prices based upon the previous sales’ profit margin. This pricing structure, critical to the operational efficiency of Paper, Packaging, Janitorial, and Maintenance Supply distributors, allows you to set up personalized pricing for each customer. Prevent margin leakage, and expect to increase gross profits by tens of thousands annually.

Price Matrix

Unlimited flexibility with price grouping by customer category, price group and product line. Easily set up unlimited scenarios to provide the best possible customer service, reduce employee errors and achieve an optimal balance between stock levels and pricing. Adding new costs is no problem with automatic pricing updates.

Contract Pricing, Special Pricing Allowances, and Vendor Rebate Reporting

Keep your prices competitive by using price contracts to apply time-sensitive vendor rebates to selected customers. Contracts allow you to set and update net pricing, while also dictating product costs. Prices are automatically used in Sales and Purchase orders until the contract expires.

Product Import

Quickly and easily import hundreds or thousands of products, update list prices and costs, and let inform recalculate selling prices using our multi-tiered pricing system margin. Import manufacturers’ customer-specific pricing and contracts into inform’s price structure.

Lot Billing

When quoting contractors on projects, inform’s lot billing lets you provide one price on the entire lot, or create multiple lots to match building plan labels. Lot billing accommodates front-loading or back-loaded invoicing, hidden or exploded line-item detail, changes to lot quotations and orders, as well as line-item level procurement.

Order Fulfillment Module

Inform provides distributors with a remarkable order fulfillment system. On-screen views reveal every aspect of your customer’s Sales Order, enabling higher productivity and happier customers.

Improve Productivity

Your staff needs easily accessed, concise views of your customer orders, sales history, and delivery status. Inform’s unique sales order system displays every aspect of a customers order, showing linked PO’s and delivery schedules, backorders, deposits and payments, proof-of-delivery signatures, and UPS and FedEx tracking numbers.

Drive Out Costs

Reengineer and streamline every aspect of your order fulfillment by eliminating multi-part forms, clerical processing, and end-of-day and end-of-month closings. DDI’s inform requires no filing, permanently archiving customer invoices, journals and financial reports. Simply reprint, fax or email documents on demand.

Manage Special Orders

Procure every line on your sales order, selecting cross-dock, direct-ship, warehouse transfer, or split delivery fulfillment. Track order completion progress through integrated stock receiving updates and pre-delivery staging.

Create Large Orders

Quickly and efficiently create large orders using inform’s order pad. When a returning customer’s order is entered into your system, inform remembers what was ordered before and can build a new order based on past sales.

Point-of-Sale (POS) and Showroom Sales

Point-of-Sale (POS) Deposits

Simplify complex Point-of-Sale transactions with single-screen views of deposits, partial payments, pay-in-advance shipments, and more. Organized, easy to navigate tabs put payment history, order totals, and pending backorders at your fingertips, keeping your sales team and customer well informed.

Save your customers time at the counter with inform’s remarkably quick order fulfillment system. One screen reveals every aspect of the order, from inventory amounts and substitute products, to pricing details and customer sales history, resulting in higher productivity and happier customers. 

Barcode Scanning

Minimize counter transaction time by using barcode scanners to process large counter orders. Scanning automatically loads the exact product and correct price for the customer, saving your staff from accidentally confusing similar items or entering incorrect product codes.

Cash Sale Handling

Serve your customers better by easily handling split payments and deposits, in addition to streamlined cash, check and credit card processing. Single-screen access to complete order details allows your customer service team to easily accommodate customers’ last minute order changes.

Retail and Wholesale Features

Streamline your busy retail or wholesale operations with time-saving Point-of-Sale hardware, including cash drawers, receipt printers, integrated credit card processors, and signature capture devices. Serve more customers by completing transactions more efficiently and with less paperwork.

Inform Software Modules

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