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Infor VISUAL Overview

Infor VISUAL ERP solution is a flexible, fully integrated, and easy-to-use browser-based ERP suite that is widely deployed across many different types of industries, from aerospace to medical devices, capital equipment, precision tools, and more.

Infor VISUAL ERP software is a scaleable solution with powerful technology that delivers a real-time view, streamlines operations and increases profitability and customer satisfaction. With state-of-the-art advanced planning and scheduling, quality management, customer relationship management, time and attendance, business intelligence, and warehouse management system capabilities built in, Infor VISUAL appeals to make-to-stock, configure-to-order, and assembly-to-order manufacturers and distributors with a combination of affordability, depth of functionality, operational efficiency, and ease of use.

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Infor VISUAL Advantages

Underlying Infor’s ERP system is 10 Express’s powerful ability to support mixed-mode manufacturing is the innovative, easy-to-use, intuitive interface from where the solution takes its name.

Infor VISUAL ERP 10 Express’s Manufacturing Window makes it easy for the user to graphically build queries, identify the actions to complete a work order, and intuitively see problems or steps in the process that are outstanding. The interface is designed and built for multi-taskers, a common persona in organizations where users may have multiple responsibilities. Infor ERP 10 Express has productivity features like Microsoft Office Outlook Task Integration and customizable user interfaces.

Infor VISUAL Technology

Infor VISUAL ERP system is a complete solution designed and built on a modular open, flexible, service-oriented architecture (SOA.) By using modern, web-based user interfaces, our scalable ERP solution will never lock you into one mode of operating. Instead, they offer a wide range of functionality that enables users to automate key manufacturing and financial procedures, meet changes in customer demand and compliance requirements, and collaborate internally as well as externally across your supply chain. Infor VISUAL will help keep your business running efficiently, all at a low cost of ownership.

Infor VISUAL Modules

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