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Epicor Eclipse

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Epicor Eclipse
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Sales & Order Management for Epicor Eclipse

Eclipse Forms

Eclipse Forms is an alternative business forms generation tool for your Eclipse system to render, print, send, and save documents in a PDF format.

Job Management

Job Management enables distributors to manage all aspects of a job, including bidding, bill of material management, submittal tracking, releasing material, customer billing, change orders, returns, and vendor invoice reconciliation.

Powerful Search Features 

Search features that allow you to locate any information you need from any screen using virtually any identifying element. Sophisticated indexing, merging, and phonetic matching quickly displays exact search matches or convenient browse lists to choose from.

Sales Order Management 

Sales order management features that enable counter and telephone sales personnel to perform everything from product look-ups to customer’s available credit with a single keystroke.

Transaction-based Architecture

Offers real-time indexing, updating and cross-referencing for each and every transaction that enters the system. You get immediate access to any transaction at any time. Just a simple keystroke lets you drill down to examine the underlying transaction detail.

Epicor Eclipse Modules

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