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Epicor Eclipse

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Epicor Eclipse
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Production Management for Epicor Eclipse

Job Management Module

Job Management allows you to manage all aspects of a job, including bidding and bill of materials (BOM) management, submittal status tracking, managing the release of materials, customer billing, and vendor invoice reconciliation. Processing change orders, handling returns, and paying engineering fees are also core functions of the software.

Work Order Processing Module

Epicor Eclipse Work Order Processing is a light manufacturing solution that lets you effectively manage the step-by-step conversion of raw materials into finished goods inventory. This conversion includes transforming a basic material or group of materials into a finished product by completing a series of steps that are value-added services performed in-house or provided by outside vendors. Typical value-added processes include: assembling a group of parts into one part, such as a sink, or assembling a circuit board for a piece of machinery. With support for both onsite and offsite light manufacturing processes, this solution allows you to define and monitor several value-added processes including repackaging, heat treating, plating, cutting, bending, welding, assembly, painting, and drilling. The result is end-to-end module functionality between sales/pricing and inventory/purchasing, eliminating inefficiencies in the light manufacturing process.

Epicor Eclipse Modules

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