ECi M1
Services & Support for ECi M1
Effective after-sales support and continual product enhancements are essential for you to realize the maximum return from your investment.
At Bowen & Groves, a commitment to ensure maximum utilization of the M1 product is paramount, one of our support team will be assigned as your dedicated Account Manager and they are responsible for ensuring your success with M1.
We have no automated phone system so when you need to talk with your Account Manager or an application specialist, your call will be answered by a real person.
M1 support maintenance includes unlimited telephone, modem, online support and all software updates, even special discounts on new modules developed.
Our secure Customer Login provides on-line access to many services for our customers including: software updates, the ability to view and track calls, view support contracts, log on new calls, view the knowledge base and even purchase and make payments.
User Group
Currently we have an international user group forum where users communicate via the web. All users and prospective customers can access the group where they freely discuss M1 and other topics. This is not a censored forum — real responses from real M1 users.
Professional Services
We understand the importance of the implementation and training phases of technology investments and as such, have established a professional team to help you achieve the success that you seek from your investment.
Professional services in installation, implementation and training can be provided to ensure that the implementation of M1 is successful and the maximum return is achieved within the shortest possible time frame.
To ensure your most unique business processes can be handled, M1 design studio is a simple and flexible customization tool. With M1 you can make the software work for you, you can add new fields, you can change any input form, including moving objects around and adding new objects, you can customize any report, and the search grids can be changed to show the information in different ways as well as completely new views added to the grids.
We can either train you in M1 Design Studio and Crystal Reports so you can customize M1 yourself or our support specialists can perform customization for you.
Training is a major contributor to the successful implementation and optimization of your software. Our success at Bowen & Groves depends on you reaching your business objectives and goals. We are committed to providing you with the tools and support necessary to ensure your success, including education.
We have available a full range of classes to provide you with a thorough understanding of the various aspects of your system. Our education staff draw upon a wide range of experiences that help tie in the classroom to the business world. With quality education comes the opportunity for you to become self-sufficient in the use of your system.
Training is provided on-site and we regularly offer online classes for our customer, contact our support team for the latest class schedule.
ECi M1 Modules