Head to Head ERP software system comparison for Sage X3 ERP vs. SYSPRO
Directly compare select ERP software systems side by side including costs per user, costs to implement, customer retention rates and other key features and capabilities. Get Demos and customized Price quotes for these products in one simple step by selecting the request button below.2 ERP Systems Found
Price Range$25K - $250K |
Price Range$25K - $500K |
Cost Per User$75/mo |
Cost Per User$150/mo |
Retention Rate
Retention Rate
VersionV12 |
Version8.0 |
Financing OptionsFinance, Subscription |
Financing OptionsSubscription |
User Range10 — 1000 |
User Range10 — 1000 |
Minimum Fee to Implement$100,000 |
Minimum Fee to Implement$25,000 |
Awards- |
Awards100 |
Installs7000 |
Installs15,000+ |
Architecture.NET |
ArchitectureSOA |
Core Features
Core Features
Unique FeaturesSage X3 helps your business thrive and stay competitive by providing users with the information they need to serve their customers better, take back control over the quality, and eliminate inefficiencies across the organization. It streamlines your core processes – from manufacturing to distribution and financial management to business services – while adapting to your industries best practices. |
Unique FeaturesSYSPRO is a software company that supplies Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions to manufacturing and distribution companies. SYSPRO’s strength lies in its specialist experience and industry-built approach to technology, which can be deployed as on-premise solutions, cloud SaaS or hybrid, and accessed anywhere, anytime from mobile devices. Key features of the SYSPRO solution include its depth of functionality in Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM), Inventory Optimization & Management, Distribution and Procurement, self-service portals and supply chain extensibility, customization tailoring, and low-code extensibility tools. SYSPRO also supports out-of-the-box integrations, connectors, and business process automation, and customers have the ability to integrate technologies such as AI, ML, and IoT into their ERP system and extend the solution and connect to other systems. By choosing SYSPRO, customers gain access to a team of global industry experts who help them drive maximum value from their business systems and solutions. SYSPRO empowers customers to secure a digital future and enables digital transformation, supporting data & analysis-driven decision-making with integrated solutions to enable visibility and engagement. SYSPRO leads manufacturers and distributors through significant growth. The business also strongly commits to channel partner success and focuses on ensuring a highly successful solution implementation and customer experience. SYSPRO gives customers the confidence to say yes – to the next idea, the next opportunity, the next possibility, and to achieve more. |
LimitationsNot suitable for companies smaller than 10 million in revenue. |
Limitations |
ERP System Details
ERP System Details