Head to Head ERP software system comparison for Deacom ERP vs. Enterprise 21 ERP
Directly compare select ERP software systems side by side including costs per user, costs to implement, customer retention rates and other key features and capabilities. Get Demos and customized Price quotes for these products in one simple step by selecting the request button below.2 ERP Systems Found
Price Range$50K - $800K |
Price Range$30K - $75K |
Cost Per UserN/A |
Cost Per User$5,000/mo |
Retention Rate
Retention Rate
Version17 |
Version8.1 |
Financing OptionsLease to Own |
Financing OptionsSubscription |
User Range10 — 2000 |
User Range5 — 1000 |
Minimum Fee to ImplementN/A |
Minimum Fee to Implement$40,000 |
Awards47 |
Awards- |
Installs200+ |
Installs500+ |
Architecture.NET |
ArchitectureSOA |
Core Features
Core Features
Unique FeaturesAs a comprehensive ERP platform with the industry’s largest functional foundation, Deacom ERP provides a rich set of capabilities designed specifically for growing process manufacturing and distribution businesses around the world. All functionality specific to these industries is developed and supported in-house and written into the core platform. |
Unique Features |
Limitations |
Limitations |
ERP System Details
ERP System Details