Head to Head ERP software system comparison for Acumatica Cloud ERP vs. VAI S2K Enterprise
Directly compare select ERP software systems side by side including costs per user, costs to implement, customer retention rates and other key features and capabilities. Get Demos and customized Price quotes for these products in one simple step by selecting the request button below.2 ERP Systems Found
Price Range$7.50K - $150K |
Price Range$25K - $250K |
Cost Per UserN/A |
Cost Per User$175/mo |
Retention Rate
Retention Rate
Version2024 R1 |
Version6.2 |
Financing OptionsSubscription |
Financing OptionsFinance, Subscription |
User Range5 — Unlimited |
User Range20 — Unlimited |
Minimum Fee to Implement$10,000 |
Minimum Fee to Implement$25,000 |
Awards11 |
Awards- |
Installs10000+ |
Installs1000+ |
Architecture.NET, SaaS, Native Cloud |
ArchitectureHosted Cloud, Single-tenant |
Core Features
Core Features
Unique FeaturesUnique consumption-based licensing provides flexibility and facilitates collaboration, enabling all employees and external parties to access information and systems to execute daily activities and long-term strategic goals. Acumatica is the only ERP vendor offering free online training via Acumatica Open University. Acumatica's formal Customer Bill-Of-Rights, a unique commitment in the software industry, ensures fair and ethical treatment of customers and trading partners. |
Unique FeaturesVAI is a single vendor that offers Cloud Hosting, ERP Software, and Support. It offers an enterprise-wide subscription that allows organizations to grow revenue, expand locations, and add users without paying additional software subscription fees. VAI provides experienced and direct support from the author, all based in the USA. |
LimitationsAcumatica is devoted to the midmarket. It is not a great fit for large enterprises in need of fully global support. |
LimitationsCompanies with revenue under 20 million that are not in the wholesale distribution, manufacturing, specialty retail, service and repair, or rental industries. |
ERP System Details
ERP System Details