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  • Aerospace and Defense
  • Agriculture
  • Apparel and Textiles
  • Automotive
  • Building Materials and Products
  • Chemical
  • Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG)
  • Distribution
  • Electronics and High-Tech
  • Energy
  • Food and Beverage
  • HVAC
  • Industrial Machinery and Equipment
  • Lumber and Wood
  • Medical Device
  • Metal and Steel Fabrication
  • Mining and Quarrying
  • Oil and Gas
  • Other
  • Paper and Packaging
  • Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
  • Plastics and Rubber
  • Professional Services
  • Semiconductors
  • Ship Building and Marine
  • Transportation and Logistics
  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Configure To Order (CTO)
  • Discrete Manufacturing
  • Engineer to Order (ETO)
  • Industrial Distribution
  • Job Shop / Machine Shop
  • Light Assembly (ATO) / Kitting
  • Make to Order (MTO)
  • Mixed Mode Manufacturing
  • Process Manufacturing
  • Professional Services (Non-MFG)
  • Repetitive / Make to Stock
  • Wholesale Distribution
  • Under $1 Million
  • $1 to 10 Million
  • $11 to 50 Million
  • $51 to 100 Million
  • $101 to 500 Million
  • $500 Million to $1 Billion
  • Over $1 Billion
  • AI (Artificial Intelligence)
  • Barcoding
  • Business Intelligence
  • Cloud ERP
  • Ecommerce Integration
  • EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)
  • Hybrid Deployment (Cloud/Premise)
  • IBM DB2 Compatible
  • IoT (Direct Machine Integration)
  • KPIs (Knowledge Performance Indicators)
  • Lot Tracking
  • Mobile ERP
  • MS Azure Compatible
  • MS SQL Server
  • Multi-Tenant Architecture
  • NET Platform
  • On Premise
  • Progress Compatible
  • QuickBooks Compatible
  • SaaS (Software as a Service)
  • Salesforce Compatible
  • SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)

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